Our Marriage Ministry, "I Still Do" is our marriage ministry for our married and engaged couples. We believe marriage is smiled upon by God; it is His creation to help people come together to walk out the act of "two becoming one". We look to give people help and hope to be successfully and purposefully married. Our ministry meets monthly on the 3rd Saturday of the month via Zoom for class and quarterly for date night.
As women the world fills us early in life with preconceived ideas of what an exceptional woman is – the Ken and Barbie dream - size 6, 5’9, long hair, popular, rich, has material possession, a perfect husband, kids, the cat and dog! As Christian woman we should have our security, self-worth in Christ first and then all those things will be added unto it! When we fall short of that dream we forget that we are the jewel of God’s eye, that we are justified in him. Nothing that we do or don’t do for that matter can change how our heavenly Father feels about us. Nothing that we do on the exterior can touch or change our inner sanctuary – our heart (God’s dwelling place). A “beautiful” woman is disciplined, discreet, gracious, controlled, and all together. She is considerate of the godly things – meaning she possesses the mind of Christ and His qualities; she is close to his heart. This is His kind of beautiful woman! Our W.O.E meet every third Wednesday of the month for bible study.
Our men's ministry, The Justice League, get together monthly to fellowship, support one another, and grow in their relationship with God. Strong men build strong families. Strong families build strong churches and communities.
Our Youth Ministry meets every 4th Sunday. We have a passion to partner with parents to lead children to become fully devoted followers of Christ. Through services, sessions, events and community outreach our ministry aims to create a well rounded young adult.
Our Children’s Ministry seeks to bring children into age-appropriate worship where they can belong to a community of faith, grow in their relationship with Christ, learn to serve, and then go share Christ in the world! Our purpose is to offer your children a place of wonder and discovery as they learn Biblical truths. It's our desire for each service to create an environment that is both educational and entertaining. We want to capture your child’s imagination, intrigue them, and set them on a course of discovering who Christ is and who they are in relationship to Him.
Children's Church meets in person at our Buckeye and Peoria locations every 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sunday and that our children join their families in the main service on the last Sunday of the month.